Case Study

Michael Turned the $3K He Had Into Over $122,000 By Using the Markets

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When the world shut down in 2020, Michael Q. was unable to keep clients as a personal trainer. He needed a new way to make an income that still allowed him to remain self-employed and on his own schedule. He only had a few thousands dollars to invest but that’s all he needed to get started in the stock market.

As a result, Michael was able to turn his $3K account into $122K in his first year of trading alone! Now, he and his wife know what it’s like to be financially free now and for as long as he continues to use this lifetime skill to his advantage.

Learn more about Michael’s journey below!

Michael’s Story

Michael was never looking to become a full-time trader. He loved his job as a personal trainer and has always been drawn to careers that were more focused on movement and how the body works. 

But then March of 2020 happened. And without people meeting in person, Michael needed a new way to make an income.

“I first started when I was 22 because I was a personal trainer before COVID. Then COVID hit and I wasn’t making any more money.”

He first started in the market with a simple buy & sell with $3,000. And this was already a bold move since this was a large chunk of his total savings at that point. Then he got a cheap course or two, but really didn’t get much out of those.

Until finally he found Stock Navigators. It was an investment but Michael told his wife that this was something he thought would really make a difference. Of course, those in his life were a little skeptical. But Michael knew this would be something he could dedicate himself to fully.

“I’m Hispanic, and the way they are good at making money is by working hard, not working smart. So my mom is like why don’t you get a job, you’re not making money right now. But I was like no, there’s something here. I have to keep watching these videos.”

Then Michael tested positive for the coronavirus and he was basically locked up in his room for a month. During this time, he put his head down and studied the material while keeping track of the markets.

By the end, Michael had a full understanding of our strategy and how to use it successfully in simulated trades with consistency. He was finally ready to start using real money. And after this, anyone who doubted Michael when he started was no longer doubting his trading ability.

The proof is in the profits…

How Trading Changed Michael’s Life

What started as a simple $3K account became so much more. And for Michael, each penny made a difference. As he saw his wins become bigger and bigger, he kept his head. He knew that capital preservation was the most important thing so he never let this amount get to his head.

With a combination of risk management and continuing to put in the effort, Michael’s account went up at an almost surprising rate. He told us how at the end of October, his account was at $25K. Then by the end of that calendar year, it had more than doubled to $57K. Until finally, still within his first year of trading, Michael had made a total of $122K.

“By the end of the year, I ended up making $57,000. Starting from $3,000… Right now my account is at $122,000.”

The jump from $3,000 to $122,000 is phenomenal, even by our standards. But this didn’t just fall into Michael’s lap. He worked hard and stayed smart throughout the whole journey. 

Now, still young and hungry, Michael has a skill that he could use for the rest of his life. And it allows him to remain self-employed and spend his days following his passion of physical training once his clients return. When he and his wife begin their family, they’ll be set.

“I like knowing that I’ll be able to be financially free. I don’t have kids right now, but when I do have kids I want to be doing things with them that I wouldn’t be able to do with a 9-5 job.”

With getting COVID and starting at just $3K, Michael’s story shows that this can be for anyone. But he wants to help those just starting out and hopefully give some tidbits on how they can grow their account as well.

Michael’s Advice To Others

It’s reasonable to be nervous about starting to invest in the stock market, especially if you’re a beginner. But take it from Michael, making that decision could be a huge difference maker.

As a personal trainer, Michael prefers things that involve movement and physicality. So the stock market was a little out of his wheelhouse. But with someone helping you along the way, this can be for anyone who is willing to learn the things that are necessary for success.

“I wanted to show everyone that you can do this no matter what. Like, I’m not the smartest guy out there. It was hard for me to get things clear on the stock market because I was more used to working with movement. But when I got to this, it was a huge different thing.”

But of course, this means you need to know what works for you. Michael has told others his route to growing his wealth and it just wasn’t the right fit for them at that moment. But if you can apply this skill to an account that works for you, then you could follow in his footsteps.

“It’s so much knowledge, it’s so much to know,” he said when speaking to our co-founder Tim Luong. “So you want to find out what’s different, what’s good for you. Futures, stocks, options, etc.”

Finally, Michael wanted to let others know that you get what you pay for. He tried those cheaper courses out there and they kept his account at that $3K. But when he made the investment in himself by joining Stock Navigators, that’s when he really started to see a positive change.

“For anyone watching this video, I only had $6,000 in my savings account. But I knew this course would be worth it. And it’s definitely worth it.”

So for those who are ready to make that investment in themselves, then who knows? You could be the next success story. And as a young trader, we’re excited to see where this road leads Michael in the future.

To hear Michael’s full story, check out the video above. And check out other Student Success stories like these below:

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